The Last Five-and-a-Half Years

Well, well. So many updates and so much time. At some point, I’ll update this regularly. Maybe. Clearly everything that happened in that last post is over. That post was actually right before this whole thing started – that was certainly a thing. I’m very glad it’s over. Things have been much more stable in … Read moreThe Last Five-and-a-Half Years

The Last Four Years

I started watching Markiplier’s LP of Emily is Away and it inspired me to download AIM again. Because nostalgia. But AIM is broken now and it’s horrible and was a letdown. However… In my single AIM conversation, I was reminded that I hadn’t updated this in years. Like, since I split up with Bryce. Our divorce … Read moreThe Last Four Years

My Life from 4th to 12th Grade by Song

I’m doing this by grade. The songs I associate with each grade. Yep. I don’t actually feel like typing, I just started listening to these and… yeah. I don’t know. I AM FULL OF ELOQUENCE TODAY. So… 4 = 4th grade, 5 = 5th grade, etc. I don’t think I really listened to music much … Read moreMy Life from 4th to 12th Grade by Song

Fight Or Flight

I wrote this essay for my writing class this term, and told whoever read my blog that I would post it… So here you go. Names have been changed, of course.   There is nothing quite like being paralyzed by fear. When we are faced with a situation like this – knowing that no matter … Read moreFight Or Flight

Autobiography Blogs: Age 0-5

I’ve decided to start writing my life out, a bit. Like an autobiography with a year or two at a time, except for this post. I have very little memory of my life before I was 3 or so, so this post will mostly be about my first few years of existence. So. My parents … Read moreAutobiography Blogs: Age 0-5