The Last Four Years

I started watching Markiplier’s LP of Emily is Away and it inspired me to download AIM again. Because nostalgia. But AIM is broken now and it’s horrible and was a letdown. However… In my single AIM conversation, I was reminded that I hadn’t updated this in years. Like, since I split up with Bryce. Our divorce … Read moreThe Last Four Years

Autobiography Blogs: Age 0-5

I’ve decided to start writing my life out, a bit. Like an autobiography with a year or two at a time, except for this post. I have very little memory of my life before I was 3 or so, so this post will mostly be about my first few years of existence. So. My parents … Read moreAutobiography Blogs: Age 0-5

I Have a Thing for Assassins

My last blog was more serious than I like to be, so… something more cheerful sounds good for tonight, yes? Like killing people and climbing cathedrals to dive off into hay. ASSASSINI! My first encounter with Assassin’s Creed was when my ex showed me a trailer for the first one — he said it would … Read moreI Have a Thing for Assassins